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A very sad time for humanity.

I am writing this as more and more information on the seriousness of Coronavirus is becoming known. The dramatic spread of this disease is testing all parts of society. Worst of all we have no definite predictions of the final outcome. The frailty of humankind is now very exposed.

With regret I have had to cancel the work and exhibitions we were planning for the National Autistic Society. My wife and I hope that this can be moved till later this year or next spring if necessary.

To celebrate World Autism Awareness Week an anonymous person made the very beautiful commemorative sculptured vase that will ultimately be presented to the N.A.S. after its display at our delayed open week. I am very grateful to this person as I am sure the Hereford Branch of the N.A.S. will be.

I have also made a number of bowls in colours that represent the N.A.S. These are available from Debbie Hobbs at N.A.S Hereford Branch tel 01432 340072 or email . They are very reasonably priced at £10 each.

I could not conclude this post without wishing to sincerely thank our NHS, doctors, food stores, farmers, delivery drivers, social workers and all the other wonderful people striving to keep our society alive. Thank you ALL so much.

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